Sep 2, 2022 | Agility, Culture of innovation, Exponential Organizations, Growth, IT Services, Mid-market, Small Business
In today’s digital age, small to mid-size organizations must remain competitive by innovating and adapting quickly. They need to leverage their strengths, address their shortcomings, and determine their key differentiators to maintain a strong position in the market. Staying ahead of emerging market trends and adjusting their strategy to ensure exponential growth is critical.
Imagine a small IT offshore services company, ValTech, that specializes in providing customized and reliable IT service management solutions to mid-size businesses in various industries. To stay competitive, the organization must leverage its strengths, such as its expertise in customizing IT solutions based on client needs, its reliable and fast turnaround time, and its excellent customer service.
In the next three years, ValTech envisions becoming a trusted and go-to IT partner for its clients, expanding its service offerings to include emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence and machine learning, and building a solid and loyal customer base that refers new clients to the company. Setting a specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound vision for success is important; making sure your organization stays true to a purpose that inspires you and your team to work towards achieving it will attract top employees, lead to financial success, and enable to grow a business exponentially. Your Purpose should be reflected in your day-to-day operations and how you treat customers, employees, communities, and colleagues, not just shareholders.
Identifying your needs to achieve your Purpose will help you focus your efforts and resources on what is most critical to your success. Once you have identified your needs, create an action plan to address them. Improving organizational structure, processes, and culture is critical to enabling growth and innovation. Please determine what you need to drive growth, whether it’s cash, the right people, or relationships, and anticipate potential obstacles that could get in the way. Finally, identify risks and challenges that may arise during the transformation process and ensure your customers remain satisfied and loyal throughout the journey.
Foster a culture of continuous improvement and innovation to sustain your growth in the long run. Hold yourself accountable and stay focused on your goals. Remember, success is not just about financial gain; it’s about offering better experiences to all stakeholders.
To live by its purpose and achieve its vision, ValTech needs to act on several fronts. First, the company must invest in developing its employees’ skills and expertise in emerging technologies, hiring new talents as needed, and building partnerships with other companies specializing in these areas. Second, ValTech must improve its organizational structure, processes, and culture to enable growth and innovation. This includes implementing agile development methodologies, fostering a culture of continuous learning and improvement, and providing an environment that encourages innovation and creativity.
For example, automation could streamline processes, data analytics to gain insights into customer needs, and machine learning to create personalized customer experiences. To fully transform into an ExO by leveraging the power of technology. ValTech could create a platform that allows them to customize and maintain software for small to mid-size organizations. Furthermore, this platform should be designed to be scalable and easily accessible, allowing the company to provide services to its customers quickly and efficiently.
Finally, ValTech needs to anticipate potential challenges and market changes to achieve its vision, such as competition from more prominent and established companies, changing customer needs, and disruptive technologies. By identifying and addressing these challenges early on, ValTech can stay ahead of the curve and continue to grow exponentially.
To hold itself accountable, ValTech will establish clear goals, objectives, and key results, measure progress regularly and solicit customer and employee feedback. By doing so, the company can ensure that it stays on track and continues to provide high-quality and customized IT solutions to its clients.
Take-home value
By embracing business transformation and a culture of innovation, a small to mid-size organization can achieve exponential growth and remain competitive in the ever-evolving digital world. By holding oneself accountable, anticipating obstacles, and taking action, such as securing cash, building relationships, and hiring the right people, a business can create a roadmap for growth and achieve its vision of success in the long term.
Call to action
Start by exploring how change might affect your business, create a Massive Transformative Purpose, and ideate how you can reinvent your stakeholders’ experiences, internal processes, and business model to become a platform business. Furthermore, make it a fun learning experience!
Jul 27, 2020 | Exponential Organizations, Better World, Business, Business Coaching, Digital Transformation, Disrupcion, Emprendedurismo, ExO, ExO Sprint, ExO Workshop, Exponential Technologies, Game Changer, Global, Growth, Innovation, OpenExO
“Today, if you are not disrupting yourself, someone else is. Your fate is to be either the disruptor or the disrupted. There is no middle ground.” – Salim Ismail, Founder OpenExO.
Through the long-term partnership with OpenExO and since the inception, Escalate Group has been using proven OpenExO transformation methodology and a global ecosystem of ExO certified coaches and emerging technologies specialists to enable the co-creation of meaningful business opportunities.
Escalate Group Services
Escalate Group Awake sessions and Workshops makes executives aware of the implications of accelerating technologies and new business models leading your industry to disruption and mark your path for transformation. The ExO Sprint is a tested and proven 10-week customer-focused process that allows any organization to address industry disruption and overcome internal resistance to change.
As an OpenExO Certified Partner, Escalate Group is on the cutting edge of innovation, bringing thought leadership and a proven transformation solution to our clients. Besides, we instantly scale our organization with 1000+ people in 100+ countries and 300+ certified coaches & trainers.
“With our guidance, customers in the healthcare, telecom and fintech sectors have been able to identify solutions based on accelerated technologies and to scale their organization to solve new challenges,” Olga Calvache, Managing Partner, Escalate Group.
To transform the world for a better future, OpenExo wants to become the world’s leading global ExO transformation ecosystem by building Exponential Organizations (ExOs).
Escalate Group unlocks digital value, helping organizations envision, accelerate and scale sustainable/impactful projects and solutions.
May 23, 2020 | Digital Transformation, Business, Conectab2b, Covid 19, Disrupcion, Disruption, Emprendedurismo, Entrepreneur, Feria Virtual, Growth, Latinoamerica, Transformacion Digital
At Escalate group, we are proud to partake in the first virtual fair “Connecta B2B Live” organized with the support of the communities: Construir, IT NOW, and Mercados & Tendencias. The event unites companies from Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Colombia, Panama, and the Dominican Republic. It serves companies seeking to renew themselves, boost their businesses, train new entrepreneurs, and generate new prospects by creating a space to share and network with clients.
We invite you to visit our stand in the Rutanio pavilion, where groups of companies likes ours, form the innovation ecosystem of the city of Medellín-Colombia.
The event has conferences and workshops delivered by more than 150 speakers. Among them, Escalate group with talks about Blockchain: A World of Opportunities by César Castro and Customer-Centered approach to innovation by Olga Calvache. In addition, the workshop MTP, Massive Transformative Purpose. You can find the replay of our conferences in our YouTube channel:
The fair has been a success and has extended its presence one more week until May 31. So far, more than 15,000 visitors have registered. The registration is free and gives access to talks, workshops, networking rooms, and learn from the offers of more than 40 booths.
Do not miss out this experience:
Mar 28, 2019 | Advisory Services, Business Coaching, Consulting, Digital Transformation, ExO, Growth, Mid-market, Small Business, Transformation
The combined effect of new exponential technologies is changing the world faster than before. Peter Diamandis’s 6Ds (Digitization, Deception, Disruption, Demonetization, Dematerialization, and Democratization) provide the best ideas on the “how” this is happening.
There is a clear need for transformation and re-inventing our organizations. As coined by David Rose “Any company designed for success in the 20th century is doomed to failure on the 21st”
Mid-market companies’ leaders should constantly ask two questions that can help them win in today’s competitive and disruptive world: 1) How do I always create new customer value? Also, 2) How do I always optimize and speed up the processes of my organization?
However, that’s not enough to keep up with today’s Fourth Industrial Revolution. The ExO attributes from Exponential Organizations by @SalimIsmail, are essential to connect not only Corporates and Unicorns but also mid-market companies to the abundance of opportunities in the new digital world and to help these organizations to manage that abundance.
The Massive Transformative Purpose (MTP) is the base of any Exponential Organization, and it serves as a guiding principle when critical decisions need to be made.
From our experience working with founders, CEOs and leadership teams in the mid-market segment, the MTP helps to identify priorities. Depending on the industry, geography and those priorities, the ExO attributes to implement varies for each organization, we have found the following as core attributes for several mid-market companies:
– Developing a Community that interacts with the core team of the organization via social media and mobile apps to for example get product feedback and find contractors and experts.
– Engagement to connect customers and their ecosystem to create network effects and feedback loops with extraordinary reach and a positive impact on the business and the participants.
– Real-time Dashboards to track and monitor data from critical processes, teams OKRs (Objective and Key Results) as well as from for example of a proprietary mobile app.
– Establish a culture of Experimentation, growth hacking and constant iteration through their teams. A culture where people is willing to fail, and pivot as needed with constant product iteration and LEAN approach.
Our involvement within the ExO ecosystem has shown that transforming an existing mid-market company into an Exponential Organization is doable but requires three things:
1. A company culture that can quickly adapt to rapid and often radical change.
2. A visionary leader who has the full support of the board and senior management.
3. A group of ambitious and motivated people ready to transform and scale the organization.
We have seen lots of companies passively being disrupted; people don’t see this coming. At Escalate Group, we embed ExO principles into pre-existing mid-market organizations—to help them to explode their performance.