Awake Sessions and Workshops
Understanding the basis of the transformation path is essential to secure the foundation to exponentiality
Hands on experiences designed to help participants understand why some companies grow 10X faster than others, and find your organization’s transformative purpose
What you will achieve:
A wake up call on distribution trends and innovation methods currently used by successful startups.
Inspiration from the power of exponential technologies and organizational transformation.
Information about the Exponential Organization model and its attributes.
Understanding on how the ExO Sprint process can transform your organization.
Company assessment for the exponential path.
New tools and processes needed to navigate disruptions, transform your organization, and launch new projects.
Recognize the difference between innovation and disruption and how to achieve both.

Who should attend:
Leadership Team:
The leadership team is of utmost importance. The CEO and other executive team members (including the CIO, CTO and even CFO) should be committed to the company’s transformation program.
Middle Management:
Employees who have the potential to lead growth initiatives within the organization should also be aware about the ExO framework.
Change Agents:
Invest on your young lieutenants that naturally embrace disruption and eventually will participate in a Sprint .