White papers & eBooks
Gain a deeper understanding through meticulous research and analysis from our white papers and eBooks.
The total economic impact of Microsoft Azure AI
Study the framework Forrester developed for firms contemplating investing in Azure AI. Learn about the multi-step process to assess how AI influences the costs, benefits, flexibility, and risks of investing in AI.
Fortune 100: The success imperative report
Learn from the Fortune 100 organizations that applied the Exponential Organizations (ExO) success formula and discover how they significantly outperformed their bottom ten non-exponential peers.
Power Automate: Intelligent Automation for all
Read how to unlock human potential through automation and how Microsoft and Escalate Group bring “Intelligent Automation for All” to life through Microsoft Power Automate.
Building a Foundation for AI Success
Learn to leverage AI for business transformation, from initial exploration to full-scale implementation. Dive into this technology’s new possibilities to organize your company for optimal impact.
Assessment to implement AI in your company
Exciting times are ahead as organizations embrace AI-powered productivity! Assess your readiness and take strategic steps toward a successful transition.
Download our e-book for actionable insights!
Innovate with Power Automate and AI Builder
Revolutionize your business processes with the help of Power Automate and AI Builder. Our eBook provides actionable insights, practical examples, and expert tips that will help you improve efficiency, productivity, and profitability.